Appliance Testing

What WORKSAFE say’s

Testing and tagging electrical appliances is one useful way to check electrical equipment is safe.

However, it's not mandatory. What is legally required is that equipment is electrically safe and maintained in a safe condition.

While WorkSafe don’t require Testing and tagging directly there is a requirement to be able to prove equipment is in a safe condition Wilson Electro Servicefollows AS/NZ 3760 testing of electrical equipment which gives a standard to follow this include.

  • Frequency of inspection and tests
  • Only a competent person may carry out
  • The inspection and Testing procedure required.
  • Documentation and Tag requirements.


Only a registered electrical worker will be able to fix any problems the testing reveals

All of Wilson Electro Services inspection team are registered electricians and many problems can be fixed on the spot. This can give significant time and cost savings.

How often.

How often you test and tag depends on the nature of the equipment and the workplace.

AS/NZ 3760 testing of electrical equipmentstates the following

Our Difference

Whoever does the work must have the knowledge and skills to do the task correctly. It doesn't need to be a registered electrical worker but the person needs to be able to understand the Standards involved. However, only a registered electrical worker will be able to fix any problems the testing reveals.

Wilson Electro Serviceshas many years of experience in Appliance inspections. We use specialist knowledge and equipment to complete the inspection and report process. Your report will highlight the Appliances tested so that you can see at a glance what requires your attention. It is not simply a matter of plugging Appliances into a tester. Wilson Electro Services applies knowledge of Appliance design and loading.

During the electrical inspection, we will carefully inspect and precisely measure the Appliances condition. This inspection will reduces the risk of a serious electrical incident.

Testing Services

  • ON or OFF site Testing
  • Low cost pricing
  • Fully Portable
  • Calibrated Test Equipment
  • Secure Audit Maintainance
  • Preventative Maintenance
  • State of the Art Test Equipment
  • Lowest Possible Down Time
  • Accurate Test Data Printouts
  • Onsite Repair Service
  • Full Plant Register Printout
  • RCD Leads, and Outlets

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